Thursday, April 30, 2009

قل أعوذُ

قل أعوذ
ابن بوزو
مد بوزه
الجبان ابن الجبانة كل غدانا
قام لقانا شعب طيب...

كل عشانا 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wikimedia partners with Orange

Wikimedia foundation has just announced few hours ago, the details of their latest strategic partnership with France Telecom's Orange.

The deal should boost the presence of Wikipedia in Orange-branded portals and mobile devices. The main activities of this partnership include:
- creating specific Wikipedia channels on Orange mobile and web portals
- enriching sections of the Orange web and mobile portals with links to relevant Wikipedia information
- developing mobile and web-based widgets which enable customers to access Wikipedia content directly from their Orange mobile or web homepage

As part of the deal, Orange is supposed to share some of the revenue, it gets out of this deal, with the Wikimedia foundation.

Is Google biased towards its Knol?

Knol is a project that was open to public in July 2008 and considered by the global tech community as Google's answer to Wikipedia. According to Google, the word "Knol" means "a unit of Knowledge".

Few hours ago, I was doing my usual act of googling when I discovered something... 

I discovered that searching Google for "Wikipedia" gives Knol as the 5th search result! It even came before Wikipedia Commons and Wikipedia Mobile!

Surprisingly, I tried Yahoo! Search, Altavista, Ask Jeeves and none of them returned Knol in the first page!

I smell conflict of interest... but I still love Google

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Yes, International Computer Driving License, or ICDL for short (ECDL in Europe) is not limited to Microsoft Software.

Here in Egypt, ICDL means a certificate that you can use Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer... and I always thought why would UNESCO be that biased to Microsoft! So, after few minutes of Googling, I found out that the ICDL/ECDL syllabus is totally neutral, and not Microsoft-based!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ليه الموديل اطول من العسيلى؟

مش عارف ليه مش بيعجبنى منظر البنت اللى اطول من حبيبها. انا مش مخى مقفل ولا حاجة بس عقلى اللاواعى بيترجم المنظر ده ان البنت هي اللى بتقود العلاقة.
لو العلاقة اللى بين الولد و البنت علاقة عمل أو صداقة مفيش مشكلة ، بس فى العلاقات اللى بيغلب عليها طابع الحب و الرومانسية ما بين ولد و بنت ما ينفعش البنت تقود العلاقة.

عشان كده انا مستغرب ليه الموديل اللى مع محمود العسيلى فى الفيديو كليب الجديد أطول منه؟

Live@edu replaces Google Apps in Alexandria Univ

OK, I wasn't really supporting the fact that my university, as well as many other universities and academic institutions in our world, switched to use Google apps as a mailserver. I believe such internal academic communication should remain _internal_.

Anyway, I still love Google, and I was very surprised last time I opened my university website, 'coz the colorful Google logo has suddenly disappeared! Instead, I found "Microsoft Live@edu"!

I don't believe its a good idea to keep all our information at Google's, and I believe the worst option ever would be to keep at MS!

Friday, April 10, 2009

ماذا حدث للمصريين؟

اثناء وجودى فى معرض الكتاب 2009 اوصانى اخى العزيز بهظ ان اشترى كتاب "ماذا حدث للمصريين" بتاع دكتور جلال امين. اشتريت الكتاب و بصراحة ملقيتش فرصة اقراه غير من كام يوم وانا فى القطر.

الكتاب بيناقش التغيرات الاجتماعية و الثقافية للمجتمع المصرى فى الفترة التاريخية من ثورة يوليو  1952 و حتى نهاية التسعينات. انا لسه مخلصتوش بس انا منبهر بتحليل جلال امين الدقيق و المنطقى.

اعتقد اننى بعد ما انتهى من قراءة الكتاب سأقوم بنشر تعليقى الخاص عليه هنا عالبلوج.


Vodafone Egypt Summer Training 2009

For undergraduate students in Egypt:

Back to life!

After a very long pause, CL!CKIE is back to his blog...
Oh and from now on, this blog will contain English posts besides Arabic ones.

يعنى هاكتب عربى يا جدعان!

Also, this blog is not gonna be limited to Technology... I'm gonna talk about everything, starting from politics to music, passing by science and culture.

Stay tuned!