Friday, March 19, 2010

Vodafone Summer Training 2010

برنامج التدريب الصيفى لطلاب الجامعات بشركة فودافون مصر

Vodafone Egypt Summer Training Program for Undergraduates

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I got 5 Google wave invitations that I will be giving away for the first 5 to comment on this post.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Let's push world leaders to save our world in the upcoming UNFCCC conference in December. Current atmospheric concentration of CO2 is 390 ppm, way past the safe upper limit of 350 ppm.

We have to stop putting more Carbon into our atmosphere NOW!

Take action:

معا للضغظ على قادة العالم للعمل من اجل سلامة عالمنا باتخاذ قرارات جذرية فى مؤتمر الامم المتحدة بشأن تغير المناخ، المزمع عقده فى ديسمبر القادم.

درجة التركيز الجوى الحالى لثانى اكسيد الكربون هى ٣٩٠ ppm، و تتعدى النسبة اﻵمنة المساوية ل٣٥٠ ppm.

من اجل استدامة هذا العالم يجب ان نتوقف عن ضخ المزيد من الكربون...

تحرك الان:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to extract your own DNA from your body?

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Monday, June 01, 2009

LG GD900 Crystal Book

3 days ago, this video was published on youtube and everybody's asking whether its real or not.

If you haven't checked the video yet, check it here first. Now let me tell you what I've just discovered:

I've spent enough time on Google and I can tell you guys this video is really new... its only 3 days old! so everybody's just asking the same questions now... and nobody really knows for sure if this is real or not...

Well some ppl say that the laptop is real but the phone isn't. But in my opinion, the only real thing in this video is:

In the upcoming few months, LG is planning to introduce a phone called LG GD900 Crystal, which is a multi-touch transparent phone and right now they're having a massive marketing campaign for this phone... so imho, this laptop is not real, its just some computer-generated graphics and this whole video is just to advertise for the GD900 phone.

Check out the phone here:

To LG Marketing team: you guys are amazing!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

أيمن نور يتعرض لحادث حريق - Ayman Nour faces a fire accident

علمت من أحد أصدقائى ان أيمن نور قد تعرض لحادث حريق اليوم أثناء ذهابه الى احدى الاجتماعات بحزب الغد، حيث قام أحد الاشخاص بأشعال النيران فى وجهه عن طريق عبوة مبيد حشرى و وولاعة سجاير، مما سبب ضرر بوجهه و شعره.
سأقوم بنشر جميع التفاصيل تباعا...

A friend of mine has just told me that Ayman Nour has just had a street accident today, where someone threw fire at him using a insecticide can and a cigarette light, causing harm to his face and hair.

Check back soon for more details...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Free Hugs Campaign - حملة الأحضان المجانية

Few years ago, I was checking youtube when I saw that video named "Free Hugs Campaign"... the title was really interesting so I decided to watch it! 
I clicked "Play" to find that guy walking in the streets of a European country holding a sign saying "Free Hugs". At the beginning of the video, its all B&W, people see the guy and they move away thinking he's crazy or something, some others keep giving him some weird looks. Few minutes later, the guy meets that young person who instantly likes the idea and quickly hug him! Only then, the video starts to get colored showing scenes of more people hugging the guy, in response to his offer.
When I googled the whole thing, I knew that its a huge worldwide campaign that was started by a guy called Juan Mann on June 30, 2004 in Sydney, aiming at spreading Peace & Love :)
Last January, I discovered that group on Facebook called "Free Hugs Campaign - Egypt Chapter" so I joined it, but too bad I haven't got any messages or any updates from them so far. Anyway, I've just contacted the group creator trying to push him to activate the group and have our own Egyptian version of the FREE HUGS CAMPAIGN (h)


الموضوع كله بدأ لما كنت قاعد على الyoutube من كام سنة كده و بعدين شفت فيديو اسمه "Free Hugs Campaign" أو "حملة الاحضان المجانية"... ايه؟ احضان مجانيه ازاى يعنى! ثوانى و كان الفيديو شغال قدامى.
فى بداية الفيديو، ما كانش فيه الوان... كله ابيض و اسود و واحد راجل واقف و شايل يافطة مكتوب عليها "FREE HUGS" أو "احضان مجانية". طبعا الناس قعدت تتريق عليه و اللى يبعد عنه و يفتكره مجنون، لحد ما فجأه بيظهر شاب اخر فى الكادر بيشوفه و يشوف اليافطة اللى شايلها و بيجرى بسرعة عليه و يحضنه... ساعتها بس الفيديو بيبقى بالالوان.  و بعدين الفيديو بيكمل مع مشاهد لناس تانية كتير رجالة و ستات، كبار و صغيرين، تعاطفوا مع دعوة الراجل.
و بالاطلاع على نتائج بحث جوجل (ربنا ما يحرمنا منه) عرفت ان الفيديو ده جزء من حملة عالمية بدأها واحد اسمه Juan Mann يوم 30 يونيو 2004 فى احدى شوارع سيدنى، و الغرض منها نشر الحب و السلام بين البشر :)
 مش بس كده، ده انا كمان لقيت على الfacebook جروب للحملة فى مصر... الجروب اسمه "Free Hugs Campaign - Egypt Chapter". للأسف الجروب غير نشط و ما فيش اى updates. على العموم، انا بعت private message لواحد من مؤسسى الجروب اقوله فيها اننى بشجعه انه يكمل الحملة اللى بدأها فى مصر، عشان يبقى عندنا النسخة المصرية من ال"Free Hugs Campaign".
